On January 1, 2009 the National Hispanic Professional Organization (NHPO) and Houston Community College (HCC) Southeast Campus, joined forces to create the NHPO Leadership Institute, a non-profit 501 (c) 3 program designed to help professional growth of leaders, so that they in turn can make our communities stronger. The vision of the founders was to create a program designed to promote professional development training and foster a curriculum that catered to professionals from all walks of life.

The goal to strengthen communities, through educational initiatives and develop professionals with the skill sets, knowledge and opportunities necessary to be more successful, effective and have a positive influence on their communities, through volunteerism and non-profit board participation.

The NHPO Leadership Institute offers a course entitled “Preparing the Leaders of Today and Tomorrow,” which gives participants an overview and hands on training to become a more effective leader, organizer, and motivator.


• Leadership • Team Building / Community Involvement
• Strategic Planning • Effective Networking
• Conflict Management • Diversity Training
• Public Speaking • Media Training
• Conducting Effective Meetings • Internet Collaboration Tools
• Time Management

In addition, all students are required to participate in a one-day ropes course designed to build self-confidence, teamwork and trust among students.

The Leadership Institute course is not yet available in each chapter city. NHPO currently has leadership l programs in Houston, Texas and Memphis, Tennessee. Austin, Texas is the next chapter city scheduled to establish a leadership program.

The NHPO leadership program will cover the same core modules but class schedules may vary form chapter to chapter. Each class is taught by a different instructor selected based on their expertise on the subject matter.


Everyone is invited to apply for admission into the leadership course. All applicants are interviewed by a panel of Leadership Institute Alumni, to insure the candidates commitment to servant leadership and expectations of the leadership candidates. Since its inception in January 2009, the Institute has graduated over 150 leaders. These individuals now serve on numerous non-profit boards and volunteer with various charitable and educational organizations. While the intensive training and curriculum is certainly a most valuable asset, one of the greatest strengths of the Leadership Institute is the network of dedicated professionals that provide a myriad of support, mentorship and resource to its graduates.

Approximately 30 candidates will be selected to participate in the course per semester.

For more information about NHPO’s leadership programs contact:

Javier Perez at [email protected]
J.R. Gonzales at [email protected]


Section 1: Chapter.
Chapter refers to a local branch of NHPO that is in good standing.
Section 2: Recognition.
To be recognized as a new Chapter of NHPO, the National Board of Directors must approve all Officers and Committee Chairs.
Section 3: Suspension.
The National Board of Directors reserves the right to suspend a Chapter for any length of time for not acting in the best interest of the organization or not performing duties specified in the bylaws. As of effective suspension date, the Chapter Representatives on the National Board of Directors will not be allowed to participate in national meetings.
Section 4: Expulsion.
The National Board of Directors reserves the right to permanently expel a Chapter for not acting in the best interest of the organization or not performing duties specified in the bylaws. As of effective expulsion date, the Chapter Representatives on the National Board of Directors will not be allowed to participate in national meetings.
Section 5: Dissolution.
The National Board of Directors reserves the right to terminate the existence of a Chapter for not acting in the best interest of the organization or not performing duties specified in the bylaws. As of effective dissolution date, the Chapter Representatives on the National Board of Directors will not be allowed to participate in national meetings. Upon dissolution, all NHPO monies shall become the property of NHPO National.


Section 1: Membership.
Membership shall be granted upon payment of membership dues, completion of a membership application, and approval by chapter Board of Directors. Memberships are valid through December 31 of paid year, unless dues were paid on or after September 1. In this case, membership shall be valid until December 31 of the following year.
Section 2: Types.
There are four types of memberships: Individual, Non-Profit, Business, and Corporate. Dues for Individuals are $60 per year and $150 for Non-Profits. Dues for Business and Corporate Members are at the discretion of individual Chapters.
Section 3: Benefits.
The benefits of each type of Membership shall be at the discretion of individual Chapters.
Section 4: In-kind.
Memberships may be granted to individuals in exchange for services rendered, memberships to other organizations, or benefits for NHPO, as long as the value of the exchange is of equal value or more than the NHPO membership given. The Chapter Chair shall determine the value of the exchange.


Section 1: Role.
The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the overall governance and direction of the local Chapter.
Section 2: Composition.
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of Officers, Committee Chairs, appointed Board Members, and Legal Counsel.
Section 3: Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall consist of all Officers and Legal Counsel.
Section 4: Legal Counsel.
Legal Counsel shall be appointed by the Chair and approved by a simple majority of the Board of Directors. Legal Counsel is a non-voting Board Member.
Section 5: Election Procedures.
At the October Board of Directors’ Meeting, an Election Committee Chair shall be appointed to oversee and facilitate the election process of Officers and Chairs. This election shall be held at the November Board of Directors’ Meeting. Voting shall be done by secret ballot.
Election Committee Chair.
An Election Committee Chair shall be appointed by the Chair and approved by a simple majority of the Board of Directors. The Election Committee Chair shall not be a candidate for Executive Board or a candidate for Committee Chair. The Election Chair shall be responsible for making the election fair for all candidates participating; shall notify all members of the Chapter of the upcoming election at least thirty (30) days prior to the election; shall hold elections by secret ballot. The Election Chair shall not vote unless there is a tie.
Any member in good standing at least thirty (30) prior to the election can be a candidate for any Office or Chairmanship. Candidates may only run for one position.
Only the Board of Directors shall vote for new Officers. Each person serving on the Board of Directors may cast one vote and must be present to vote. The candidate receiving a simple majority of the votes for a particular Office shall fulfill the duties set forth for that Office beginning January 1 of the following year.
Committee Chairs.
Committee Chairs for all Standing Committees shall be voted by the membership. All members may cast one vote and must be present to vote. The candidate receiving a simple majority of the votes for a particular Committee Chairmanship shall fulfill the duties set forth for that position beginning January 1.
Runoff Election.
If a candidate does not have a simple majority of the votes due to multiple candidates running for the same position, a runoff election shall be facilitated. Only the two (2) candidates with the most votes shall participate in the run-off election.
Section 6: Terms.
All members of the Board of Directors shall serve a one-year term and are eligible to serve three (3) consecutive terms in the same position. If a member fills a vacancy on the Board of Directors, this person shall only be eligible to run two (2) additional years for that position upon completion of the current term.
Section 7: Appointed Board of Directors Members.
Appointed Board of Directors Members shall be appointed by the Chair and approved by a simple majority of the Board of Directors. Appointed Board Members shall have the same voting rights as all other Board Members.
Section 8: Vacancies.
If a vacancy exists on the Board of Directors, the Chair shall appoint a replacement. A simple majority of the Board of Directors must approve this appointment. If a member fills a vacancy on the Board of Directors, this person shall only be eligible to run two (2) additional years for that position upon completion of the current year.
Section 9: Resignation.
Resignation from the Board of Directors must be in writing and received by the Secretary. The process to fill this resignation shall be governed by the vacancies clause.
Section 10: Absenteeism.
Any person of the Board of Directors absent from more than three (3) monthly Board of Directors’ Meetings during their term shall be removed from the Board regardless of the reasons for absences.
Section 11: Removal.
Any person serving on the Board of Directors may be removed for unethical behavior and/or not representing the organization appropriately, not acting in the best interest of the organization or not performing duties as are specified in these bylaws. This person shall be relieved of their duties with a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors or by the National Board of Directors.


Section 1: Composition.
The Officers shall consist of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Immediate Past-Chair (if any).
Section 2: Officers’ Duties.
The Officers shall have the following duties: Chair.
The Chair shall guide the Board of Directors to ensure the interests of the general membership are served and to fulfill the mission of the organization. In addition, the Chair shall preside over all meetings, appoint Ad-Hoc Committee Chairs and Board Members, serve as primary contact, send out announcements, and head fundraising efforts.
In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair. The Vice-Chair shall oversee all Chapter committees and shall assist in fundraising efforts. In addition, the Vice-Chair shall prepare all documents related to the non-profit status of the Chapter.
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping accurate minutes of Board of Directors’ Meetings, distributing copies of minutes at Board of Director’s Meetings, preserve corporate records, update contact information and biographies for all Board of Directors, track all property owned by organization, and collect all pertinent information.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial transactions related to the Chapter. The Board of Directors shall give the authority to the Chair and Treasurer to sign checks for a specified amount. Checks for more than this specified amount must be approved by a simple majority of the Board of Directors. In emergencies, a simple majority of the Officers may approve the signing of a check. Additional duties include making monthly financial reports, maintaining an itemized record of all receipts and expenditures, and preparing financial documents for Internal Revenue Service income tax forms.
The Parliamentarian shall ensure that Robert’s Rules of Order and NHPO bylaws, policies and procedures are followed at all Board of Directors’ Meetings.


Section 1: Standing Committees.
There shall be a minimum of eight (8) Standing Committees: Community Affairs, Education, Events, Information Technology, Marketing, Media Relations, Membership, and Recreation. Chairs for all Standing Committees shall be voted by the membership.
Section 2: Committee Duties.
The Standing Committees shall have the following duties: Community Affairs.
The Community Affairs Committee shall establish relationships with other non-profits. A high priority is to coordinate with other organizations to co-host events. Invitation letters shall be sent to all organizations that may co-host events.
The Education Committee shall coordinate professional development and leadership seminars that will benefit the membership. The Education Committee shall work closely with sponsors to fulfill their expectations of the seminars.
The Events Committee shall coordinate the professional networking events, as well as special events that will benefit the membership. The Events Committee shall be responsible for all negotiations prior and during the events. The Chair must approve all deliverables. The Events Committee shall not sign any contracts or agreements.
Information Technology.
The Information Technology Committee shall be responsible for keeping the information on the web site up to date. This includes information regarding upcoming events, Board Members’ contact information, and biographies, membership, and news articles.
The Marketing Committee shall recommend ways to promote the organization through informational pieces, push cards, flyers, newsletters, or other means.
The Media Committee shall promote the organization utilizing the media.
The Membership Committee shall maintain all records related to members joining the organization, send letters to new members, and create name badges for new members.
The Recreation Committee shall coordinate recreation activities for members. Family events are encouraged.
Section 3: Ad-Hoc Committees.
The Chair may create Ad-Hoc Committees to perform specific tasks. Chairs for the Ad-Hoc Committees shall be appointed by the Chair and approved by a simple majority of the Board of Directors. The Chair may dissolve the Ad-Hoc Committee at will.


Section 1: Role.
The Advisory Board of Directors shall guide the local Chapter and serve as mentors and advisors to the Chair. They have no voting powers.
Section 2: Composition.
The Advisory Board of Directors shall consist of prestigious members of the local community that have shown interest in assisting the local Chapter reach significant goals.
Section 3: Chair.
The Chair of the Advisory Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Chair and approved by a simple majority of the Board of Directors.


Section 1: Meetings.
There shall be a Board of Directors’ Meeting monthly and all members are to be notified. Dates for the monthly meetings for the year shall be set by the Chair in January and shall remain consistent throughout the year.
Section 2: Rule of Order.
The current edition of the Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the final source of authority if not addressed in the bylaws of the organization.
Section 3: Order of Business.
The order of business shall be as outlined in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 4: Notice.
A notice of the monthly Board of Directors’ Meetings shall be sent to each member by e-mail, fax, or mail, not less than five (5) days prior to each meeting.
Section 5: Quorum.
At least 51% of the Board of Directors shall be considered a quorum.
Section 6: Agenda.
The Chair shall create the Agenda for the monthly Board of Directors’ Meetings.
Section 7: Voting.
A motion passes as outlined in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 8: Special Meetings.
The Chair or a quorum of the Board of Directors may call a special or emergency meeting.
Section 9: Notice.
Reasonable notice of special or emergency meetings shall be given to each Board of Directors Member prior to the meeting.


Section 1: Amendments.
These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote by the National Board of Directors.